Kota Ramalingaiah
Showing posts from January 12, 2025Show all
Humans have deprived me of a place to sleep peacefully
Rudra Linga
Here the sparrows are offering food - take a look at this scene
Kadamba leaves
God's Plan  - Shivoham
What you earn is not permanent - only what God gives! Shivoham
Jai Ganesha Deva Pahimam Rakshamam  - BHAGWANNAMA Smaran
My mind is in the domain of God.
Happy Kanuma Festival Wishes to all Godly Creatures  -  Live with Nature  - Earth belongs to all Godly Creatures  - Keep the Earth Alive
Nandi Konda, Mylaram Gate, Thupranpet
Govinda Govinda Govindaaaaa
Happy Kanuma Festival Wishes to All Godly Creatures, Shivoham
బ్రహ్మంగారి కాలజ్ఞానం చెబుతున్న హరిదాసు - ఒక్కసారి వినండి - Happy Sankranti
Happy Sankranthi Festival
Happy Makara Sankranti Festival Wishes to All
Kites Flying on Bhogi Festival Day Celebration - Happy Bhogi
Jesus come's again on earth - Everyone must remember the name of God everywhere
Happy Bhogi, Sankranthi & Kanuma - Gangireddu, Shivoham
Grass Flowers  - Village Nature
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